Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions

This post literally took me 3 days to put together! So much stuff to share! I love it.

I'm going to start you off with the sequence that I'm using to teach this part of fractions. Our textbooks allow literally like, a day for this. But as we all know, I teach struggling learners. There aren't many things we can master in a day! So I'm breaking it up.

First Day- All about mixed numbers! We spend all of our math time on learning about mixed numbers and practice, practice, practice!
Second Day- All about improper fractions! We practice long and hard. At some point I pull in the work we completed yesterday and they write improper fractions for every mixed number they wrote. They've got to understand that the model stays the same and that there are two ways to write the fraction.
Third Day- Mixing it up. Bring in on grade level resources (including textbook). Learn the process for converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. We have gone through the steps a million times. After watching a video we do guided and independent practice on plain computer paper. Fold it into 8's and voila! I have them write the mixed number big with pencil. Then they go in and draw the multiplication and addition symbols with a highlighter. They do this over and over.

 If it helps, you can have them draw arrows with their highlighters.
Fourth Day- Still mixin'. Learn the process for converting improper fractions to mixed numbers. Bring in test style questions. How do our new skills help us answer a test question?

And now for the goodies! Let's start with videos.
Love this one. Teaches with and without a model. Teaches the process of converting.

This one is very, very basic and shows a demonstration of the process.

And now some other resources!

This is a poster guide that you can use to teach the process of converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. Make them M.A.D. (multiply, add, denominator)! Click HERE to view the article!

When you get ready to teach the process of converting improper fractions to mixed numbers, this site has a brief lesson and some practice worksheets for free! Click HERE to visit.
convert improper fractions to mixed fractions 1

Need some writing to learn ideas? Math journal ideas? Visit this page HERE

I found an AWESOME fraction word play activity. SO cool! It's fall themed but I seriously think it's too cool to care about. I might make my own. Love it! Click HERE to check it out!


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